Glen Clova - Loch Brandy

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This route covers an nine-kilometre steep climb to and above Loch Brandy, which can be shortened to five kilometres by going only as far as the loch itself. Loch Brandy is one of a pair of corrie lochs on the north side of Glen Clova above the Clova Hotel, where the two legs of the B955 meet and cross the River South Esk.

There is a well defined path leading to the loch and a complete track which circles high above the loch and complete a track, which circles high above the loch and gives excellent views of Glen Clova and the Eastern Grampians to Lochnagar and Mount Keen. Most walkers are content only to walk up to the loch, which is a steep climb in itself, but this description includes the high path above the corrie.

Navigation is not too difficult on this walk, but care should be taken and good boots worn and a current hill weather forecast should be obtained because of the summit height.

Walkingworld would like to express their thanks to Mike Taylor for his excellent updates, January 2014. A track of Mike's route can be found in both MMO and GPX format in the Related Download section.

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Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Mountains, Pub, Wildlife