Glen Dye - Clachnaben - Glen Dye

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This is a very popular walk with local people and this has caused some erosion on the old, steep path which climbs this hill too directly, so there is now a new and much improved path which takes an easier and less direct route to the summit at 589 metres. The walk is accessed from a small car park shown in Waymark 1 which is on the Banchory - Fettercairn road, the B974, ten kilometres south of Banchory. There is no local transport in this area.
A new path starts at the car park and leads through the edge of a wood, passing Glendye Lodge and emerging at a flat area known as Millers Bog. Following a little stream, a track leads to a small wood where a footpath begins the 2km steep climb to the summit - a gain of 370 metres. Views from the top include westward to Mount Battock and Lochnagar, north to Bennachie and on a clear day, south-easterly over the Firth of Tay to Fife.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Aberdeenshire - Deeside and Glen Tanar


Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Mountains, Wildlife
9/8/2014 - Paul Kingdom

Excellent walk to a great viewpoint on the eastern end of the Cairngorms. It is very popular so you will not be alone. There may also be sheep dotted on most of the hillside so dogs need to be kept on leads.

2/26/2012 - Walkingworld Admin

Our thanks to Linda Hendrey for her correction to this walk. February 2012. Adrian (Admin)

12/17/2009 - Stuart Anderson

Great scenery,nice and short and views from the top are great. Well worth trying on a nice clear day just for the views.

1/11/2007 - Walkingworld Administrator

Walk checked and no changes required. January 2007.

10/30/2006 - Chris Lodge

Absolutely gorgeous walk with magnificent views from the top. Timing is spot-on, although I would say that the return path to the north of the small wood is growing indistinct, and is currently obstructed by fallen trees-you may wish to simply return on the main trail.