Glen Feardar

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After a short stretch of farmed land the walk rises through an open wooded area and then out into open heather-clad moorland, with spectacular scenery of hills like Lochnagar in the distance. Three or four streams have to be crossed but should not pose a problem, unless there has been a lot of recent heavy rain. The route undulates a little but the climbs are fairly gentle.

After leaving the moorland, the walk proceeds through a short wooded section of pine trees. It then emerges to more open grass- and bracken-covered landscape with more stunning, almost alpine views over the Deeside hills. From here it gradually descends along a grassy path, past the remains of old settlements, to a farm track on the way back to the start.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Aberdeenshire - Braemar and Balmoral


Birds, Butterflies, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Mountains, Wildlife, Woodland
7/5/2011 - Walkingworld Administrator

According to the local tourist office, to obtain access to the closed building at Auchtavan, the contact is Neil Bain, Braemar Community Ltd, c/o Braemar Castle, Braemar, Scotland, AB35 5XX. (Our thanks to Ian Cordiner for passing on this information).

6/30/2011 - Colin Young

I have done this walk 3 times - once with a party from the Rights of Way Society - and enjoyed it every time. There is much evocative history to be seen in the various empty farms and deserted countryside. The closed fermtoun building with the hinging lum at Auchtavan can apparently be opened by appointement - though I never had a response to an email via the website