Glen Lyon Horseshoe

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This circular route taking in four excellent Munros is popularly known as the Glen Lyon Horseshoe. Starting at Invervar at a height of 200 metres, the route climbs continuously for over 4km to the 1,029 metre-high summit of Carn Gorm. Initially the route follows the cascading Invervar Burn with its many waterfalls, then climbs the south-east ridge of Carn Gorm. The route continues eastwards across a large arc of ridges linking Carn Gorm to Meall Garbh, Carn Mairg and Meall na Aighean. Carn Mairg at 1,042 metres is the highest of the group and provides a great view of Schiehalion just 5km away across Gleann Mor. From Meall na Aighean a 4km descent down a broad ridge drops 780m back to Invervar. In good visibility navigation is fairly straightforward, with paths and a rusty fenceline much of the way. In poor visibility care must be taken along these high ridges.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Perth and Kinross - Rannoch and Glen Lyon


Great Views, Mountains, Munro, Waterfall, Wildlife
3/26/2013 - Richard Hardy

Did the last two in a reverse direction yesterday in heavy snow and high winds. Have previously done the first two also in winter. This is a great walk, but a long long day in Winter. Fortunately there are escape points all along the walk