Glencorse, Beeslack, Eskbridge and Auchendinny

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This very varied walk on the outskirts of Penicuik is almost all on core paths or paths which are recognised by Midlothian Council as part of the wider path network. There is immediate access by bus from much of Southern Scotland to either of two possible starting points, while the two car parks on the route not only give car drivers the choice of two starting points, but also allow the route to be split into two shorter loops. The route can also be shortened as indicated in the descriptions by the relevant waymarks. The route is appropriate for those joining by either car or bus.

The walk starts at Milton Bridge and soon passes Glencorse Kirk, outside which there is a stone bearing 5,000-year-old cup-and-ring marks. This stone was found near old Glencorse Kirk further up the road, which is now on private land, has been renovated and is used for weddings. The route continues through woodland and then across open, rather neglected, grassland to reach a track that runs down the side of a small burn to the main road, past the embankments for a bridge that carried the old Edinburgh, Loanhead and Roslin railway to the ill-fated Mauricewood Colliery. However, instead of going straight down to the road, the route goes across the burn by a footbridge and along tarred paths through an area of grass, shrubs and trees beside Greenlaw Mains housing estate. It then crosses the main road using an underpass and passes round the perimeter of the sports field by Beeslack High School and into the Beeslack Wood. Having reached the top of the high bank above the North Esk, the route runs along behind Aaron House (a nursing home), down into Lady Wood and along the Cuiken Burn. Crossing the burn, the route climbs up the opposite bank to pass between the wood and the Ladywood housing estate until it reaches Eskbridge, where there was once both a railway station and a paper-mill.

The route then follows the Penicuik - Dalkeith Walkway. This runs along the valley of the North Esk and passes the platform of the erstwhile Auchendinny Station before crossing a skewed bowstring bridge and going through a well-lit tunnel under the B7026. After passing (or in late 2015 being diverted through) a new housing estate on the old site of Dalmore Paper Mill, the walk goes through another lit tunnel. Just before the impressive ten-arch Firth Railway Viaduct, the route leaves the walkway and climbs up to reach the edge of Auchendinny Village. It then returns to the start using a right of way across Milton Bridge Golf Course.

Scotland - Central Scotland - Midlothian - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Birds, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Public Transport, Restaurant, Tea Shop, Woodland
8/2/2015 - Fiona Dick

2/8/15 Walked this route today and it is delightfully green, considering how close to the City it is, but got lost several times and had to take the shortcut between WPs 12 and 17. WP4: there is no longer a path diagonally across the field that we could find and a lot of the new planting has now reached waist height. Instead, we took the path that hugged the hedge to the left and turned right onto the required path just before the line of trees. WPs 6/7: the wooden fence has gone and there is now a nice cinder track that wends its way through the trees, signposted 'Beaslack Trail'. WPs 8/9: The Woodland Trust sign is still there but it is hardly worth going through the gap here, as the path rejoins the cinder track after about 20m. The forks have all gone. Instead, you have to keep on the track, which curves round to the right towards the back of the house. Just before you get to the house, you need to bear to the left between the fence and a clump of trees to come to the high wall. WP11: the iron fences have gone. WP19: The road is now fenced on the right (and there are some very attractive horses in the field). WP20: There is now a Scotways waymark on a tree on the other side of the first fairway.

8/2/2012 - Walkingworld Admin

Our thanks to Morley Sewell for his update and new photo for this walk. August 2012. Adrian (Admin)

4/3/2012 - Walkingworld Admin

Our thanks to Morley Sewell for his updates for this walk. April 2012. Adrian (Admin)

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