Hagworthingham - Sausthorpe - Hundleby Circular

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The walk starts in the village of Hagworthingham, heads east down a tributary valley of the River Lymm to the hamlet of Aswardby, turns south to Sausthorpe with its spectacular brick church visible for miles around, then crosses the main Lymm Valley to Hundleby. From there it visits Raithby with its delightful pub (The Red Lion) and then heads off to the village of Mavis Enderby, with its lake system and Lincoln Red cattle, before rejoining the Lymm and returning to Hagworthingham via Furze Hill Nature Reserve.

The area is gentle rolling Wolds with great views across to the north as soon as you leave Hagworthingham. This is a village dominated by the busy A158 and its coastal traffic intent on the pleasures of Skegness and Ingoldmells. Go a few yards away from the main road to enter a different world, peaceful countryside where the traffic noise retreats to leave birdsong. See the side of Hagworthingham that is missed by the rushing motorist.

Rejoin the busy road briefly at Sausthorpe before leaving again for the peace and seclusion of the Lymm Valley. Cross the valley and climb to Hundleby before visiting the delightful and interesting village of Raithby. Raithby Hall is the home of the Brackenbury family and in the hall stable yard is a Methodist chapel, built over a stable for John Wesley, the founder of the movement, to hold meetings in. His horse was kept in the stable below – practical man. Just along from the hall is The Red Lion, an excellent point to break your walk.

From Raithby cross to Mavis Enderby, with its complex water management system. The name is derived from Endrebi, as listed in Domesday with a corruption of Malbis, the French surname of 14th Century occupants of the area. Endrebi became Enderby which then became Malbis Enderby and finally, Mavis Enderby. This is also the site of a farm specialising in Lincoln Red cattle.

Finally head back over to the Lymm Valley again, follow the river and then cross into Furze Hill Nature Reserve before climbing into the back gardens of Hagworthingham.

Refreshments are available in Hagworthingham. There is a shop and cafe and also The George and Dragon pub, which serves excellent meals. Alternatively there is the Red Lion in Raithby, perfectly placed for a mid-walk stop. Again, excellent food is available.

A detour at Waymark 9 (carry on to the main road and turn left) will bring you into Hundleby Village and you can visit The Hundleby Inn for food and refreshment.

England - East England - Lincolnshire - Lincolnshire Wolds


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Nature Trail, Pub, Public Transport, Wildlife
8/22/2020 - Steven Wainer

Did this walk on 22/08/2020 with my Rottweiler Missy, this is a very quiet and pleasant walk with all the footpaths open with no problems today. Dog owners beware though there are an abundance of dog unfriendly stiles on this route especially if your dog weighs 35kg

6/24/2017 - Chris Lenton

Unfortunately this is s nice walk that is spoiled by the fact that many of the paths and rights of way are overgrown and unkempt. A lot of the tracks across cultivated fields have been left to look after themselves with the result that paths are difficult to see and hard to traverse. Many others are covered in nettles, thistles and other plants which is not comfortable when walking in shorts. In one case a farmer had built a pile of straw bales right on the public ROW. I would like to report how nice The Red Lion at Raithby is but when we arrived at 2.20pm it was closed. Seems like the norm in Lincolnshire. On the whole, a nice walk spoiled.

8/11/2011 - David Neild

Walked this on 06/08/11. Enjoyable walk that took the full time - possibly because of the stop at Hundleby. The Lincolnshire Reds were a little inquisitive but ok although at Point 17 the landowner had taken great trouble to nail his 'Beware of the Bull' sign to the waymarker. I know we should ignore these but chose to circumnavigate.