Hailes Castle and Traprain Law from East Linton

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Before it rises to the Lammermuir Hills, the coastal plain of East Lothian is fairly flat, so when you traverse it on either the A1 or on the East Coat Main Line, your eyes are invariably drawn to the impressive hill-fort of Traprain Law, capital of the Goddodin Tribe who resisted Saxon invasions after the Roman withdrawal. This walk takes you by easy paths first to the hidden gem of Hailes Castle with its links to Mary, Queen of Scots and then on to and up the hill-fort itself, from where the excellent views of the Lothian Coast and the Lammermuir and Pentland Hills can be enjoyed.

Scotland - Central Scotland - East Lothian - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Castle, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Pub, River, Wildlife
9/17/2019 - Richard Hardy

Finally got round to making a short video of the walk -https://youtu.be/jPkipRtHb0o

4/5/2014 - Richard Hardy

Initially lead free walking on the river bank, the later stages of the walk along the roads will require leads and there is exposure to livestock on Traprain Law.