Hanbury Church - Woolmere Green - Jinney Ring - Piper's Hill Wood

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This circular walk starts at Hanbury Church, which is also that of 'St Stephen Church, Ambridge', well-known to listeners of the BBC Radio 4 drama 'The Archers'. Three weddings were recorded here in 1955, 1988 and 1994. If you are as lucky as me to arrive on a clear sunny day, take a while to walk around the outside of the church and enjoy the stunning views from the churchyard across to Bredon Hill and the Cotswolds to the south and the Severn Valley and the Malverns to the west.

Crossing the Worcestershire countryside down to Hanbury Hall, views can be seen across to the Malverns. The walk then heads off across fields towards Woolmere Green before making its way towards The Jinny Ring Craft Centre. Many craft shops can be found here, including glass-blowing, violin-making etc. There are excellent eating facilities at reasonable prices, with views of the Malvern Hills. On leaving the Jinney Ring, the walk makes its way up to Piper's Hill Wood before returning to Hanbury Church.

England - Central England - Worcestershire - Countryside


Birds, Church, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
8/18/2018 - Ian Mapp

Perfect little walk for a first ramble for our Guide Dog in training Joy. She had a first encounter with sheep and cows, navigated a variety of stiles and got a free run through the recently harvested crop fields. Jinny Ring was a nice place for near post walk refreshments. Thanks for the walk. Photos at our blog - http://mappiman.blogspot.com/2018/08/180818-guiding-joy-makes-her-debut.html

2/18/2008 - Nic King

We walked this route on a cold and frosty February morning, and it did not disappoint. The views from the church are stunning and the Jinney Ring makes an excellent point to stop for a warm drink and lunch. The church is very welcoming, and don't mind you using their carpark for walks. With this in mind, I urge everyone whe does this walk to donate them some cash. There is a donation box just inside the door, and I'm certain they would appreciate it.

6/4/2006 - helen Del-Vecchio

First time we had used a Walkingworld walk. Very pleased. Had a slight detour at no. 3 because the farmer had cropped right across the field. Other than that great walk. Helen and Emma Del-Vecchio

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