Hartington and Pilsbury Castle

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This walk starts in Hartington, one of the most popular Peak District villages, past the home of the famous Isaak Walton (who wrote 'The Compleat Angler') and his businessman friend, Charles Cotton, plus the scrumptious Hartington cheeses and cheese shop. There are craft shops, pubs, cafes, etc and a pottery full of all types of pots for home and garden.

A steady walk through beautiful dales with dry-stone walls in abundance, the riverside rambling is particularly calming and enjoyable. The 'castle' at Pilsbury makes for good pictures and kids can pretend they are defending the fair maidens of Derbyshire from the Arkanoids (or whatever!)

The views forward as the walk reaches the halfway stage are of the impressive Reef Knolls, jagged remnants of ferocious glacial activity. They look like mini-mountains and on a clear day make for stunning photographs.

England - Central England - Derbyshire - Peak District


Birds, Castle, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, River, Toilets
2/19/2006 - karl noon

A very enjoyable walk with breath taking scenery, although extremely muddy and slippy in most places. I personally slipped over three times which the rest of the party found highly amusing. Luckily the mud was nice and soft (but very wet and sticky) and only my pride was hurt. Would do this walk again but would recommend as a summer walk.     

3/6/2005 - Steven Gittins

A very enjoyable walk through some delightful countryside and starting in a quaint village. At time of walk (February) sections of route were extremely muddy making progress very slow and gaters almost essential. One very steep slope about half way through very difficult to traverse, walking poles were very handy although one member of party still came a rather comical cropper. Total time around five and a half hours. Takes in a variety of countryside in it's various sections, recommend you give it a go. Certain parts of instructions difficult to follow in part due to improvements to paths/fences.

10/6/2004 - Walkingworld Administrator

The Memory Map route calculates the overall height gain to be 92 metres, neither the 50m Les originally calculated nor the 2-300m Julia calculated. Please note that in areas like this although the height gain may not be extreme the ascents and descents can be very steep. (Always check for closeness of contours indicating steep gradients.) During or after wet weather terrain of this nature can be hazardous so careful consideration should be made before doing a walk of this nature.

10/6/2004 - Julia Ewart

I've been down in the Peaks this weekend with the Nestle Rambling Club from Newcastle. We decided on this route as 7.8m and 50m H Gain was accepted by the members ranging from 36-86 years old!. Unfortunately the 50metres stated was only for the first hill, there were 3 further climbs and one very steep and extremely slippery descent which 4 members came to grief on. We tried to calculate it when we got back and I think it should read between 250-300 metres HG, can it be checked using Memory Map?. After a few grunts afterwards, most did say they had enjoyed the walk, the 86 year old loved it, but thought the HG should be pointed out as incorrect. A further note should also be put on that the Peak District is extreamly muddy underfoot at the moment and any areas where cows have been around the stile are knee deep in mud & #*#*!

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