Hawford to Ombersley Circular via the River Severn

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The walk starts at a car park unmarked on OS maps, where Egg Lane ends at the Droitwich Canal. We head away from the canal via a pretty riverside spot and weir. Now the walk heads north to the charming town of Ombersley via five farms: Mayfield, Caves, Barnhill, Ridgewood and Moat Farms.

At Ombersley you will find some nice real ale and food pubs, Saint Andrew's Church (created by architect Thomas Rickman and completed in 1829) and a wonderful butchers and seafood supplier-cum-deli, so if you're camping at Hawford Mill you can pick up some excellent BBQ supplies! From Ombersley our route takes the Wychavon Way for a while and along the River Severn for a period. Leaving the river we head up through Bournes Dingle across the A449 back to Caves Farm, then Mayfield Farm (check out the livestock) and back to the canal.

Most waymarks are either at kissing-gate, or pass through or around stiles, with only a few requiring climbing. The walk is pretty dog-friendly, as long as you use a leash around farmyards and livestock.

The walk was written in August 2011. On several occasions we have spotted buzzards quite close up along the Severn stretch.

England - Central England - Worcestershire - Countryside

9/28/2019 - Julia Hughes

A group of 7 of us walked this route today and whilst lovely to be out in the fresh air this was quite a problematic walk. What is not mentioned is the crossing of a very busy dual carriageway, twice. Much of the paths were overgrown to the point that stillest were completely covered, stiles were missing especially towards the end of the walk, As a regular user of walks on this website this was one of the most disappointing and not one I would recommend.

4/5/2018 - Ian Mapp

Completed on 5/4/18. Lovely walk with plenty of variety. Chose to start in Ombersley - where there's plenty of post walk refreshment available. Riverside in flood at the moment - but this is the exception, rather than the norm, presented some challenges that eventually resulted in boots being carried and trousers rolled up! Photos at my blog - http://mappiman.blogspot.co.uk/2018/04/050418-kings-arms-at-ombersley.html?m=1

4/25/2015 - Stuart Farrell

Followed a slightly amended version of this walk today as we started from Ombersley. Clear instructions and a variety of scenery, ie woods, river and fields. Just had to bypass part of waymark 5 as there were cows, calves and a bull that didn't look very friendly! Thanks for taking the time to publish it.

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