Haysden Country Park – Eden Valley Walk – Wealdway - Haysden

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Haysden Country Park – Eden Valley Walk – Wealdway – Haysden Country Park

The walk starts from Haysden Country Park in the Medway Valley and takes a circular route south of the park. The park is lovely, with a lake that is home to many different water birds. There are surfaced paths and the walk can be easily extended by one-and-a-half to two miles to form a figure-of-eight, taking in the park. Leaflets are available in the car park detailing nature and historical trails. At the very least, pop into the park for a brief stroll beside the lake before you leave.

The early part of the route follows the Eden Valley Walk under the A21 flyover, continuing between the River Medway and the lake, Haysden Water. After crossing meadowland and arable fields you will come to Bidborough Ridge, where there are some really lovely 'des res' houses! Shortly, join the Wealdway which offers you stunning views across the Weald of Kent as you return to the country park.

England - South England - Kent - River Walk


Birds, Butterflies, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Lake/Loch, Public Transport, River, Toilets, Woodland
5/21/2020 - Graham Hooker

A PS Under Access Info : Car park charge for 'Up to 4 hrs' now increased to £1.20. [Well worth it too given the facilities]

5/21/2020 - Graham Hooker

Our walk on 20/05/20 celebrated the first easing from Corvid-19 lockdown. Beautiful views and scenery coupled with fabulous weather. Well maintained country park with excellent 'home made cake' cafe. Spotless loos. Made a lovely day out. NB The way marking is mostly clear and easy to follow EXCEPT for Waymark 8. We didn't recognise our position from the description and were brought up to date by two local horse riders. The farmer has ripped out a hedgerow and ploughed up the wide track to increase the size of his arable field. Certainly done some while ago they said. So; for the walk directions at Waymark 8 I suggest : After ' Cross the stile and turn left ' DELETE the rest of the paragraph. Replace the text with the following : 'around the field perimeter to reach a stile in the tree line. Ignore the stile and turn right into the field to reach a telegraph pole with a yellow marker. Then turn left and head for a stile in the hedge at the field edge.' I am sure Lesley will want to check that out. I have written it up from memory after returning home but it is hopefully enough to give Lesley a steer of the update needed.

9/2/2017 - Martin Wright

The A21 underpass on the Wealden Way between waypoints 14 and 15 is closed for repair until 1st April 2018. There is a permissive bridleway to the right which will take you to a minor road where you can pass under the A21. From there we could only get back to Haysden Park via road. The first part has a wide verge on the left and pavement on the right. However, you then need to turn left onto the main approach road to the park, which can be busy, but is negotiable with care.

2/23/2011 - Amanda Simpson

A nice easy walk with excellent easy to follow directions. If the weather has been wet then you'll find this one very very muddy. Dog friendly, most stiles were negotiated with ease. Made a slight detour as one path went straight through a field crammed with horses!

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