Helmingham Deer-Park - Crowfield

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This figure-of-eight walk follows well-maintained footpaths, bridleways and byways across agricultural land and the magnificent Helmingham Deer-Park. You walk all three of the rights of way running through the park, giving the opportunity to see the large numbers of deer, the magnificent mature oak-trees and Helmingham Hall itself. You then return to the start by a different route on paths across agricultural land. The Byway on the way back from close to the Crowfield Rose feels like a closed railway, but is actually the ancient Pettaugh Lane.

England - East England - Suffolk - Countryside


Church, Mostly Flat, Pub, Public Transport, Stately Home, Wildlife
10/20/2010 - Judith Humphreys

On Sat 16/10/10 we tried to do the walk, arriving approx 1140. Chain across the pub car park, we hovered until 1210, noone came. We phoned 890188 and also the number on the outside of the pub, 890368, both gave "number not recognised". I've tried both numbers again tonight. Pub looks well-cared-for - hanging baskets etc. CAMRA website last updated 19/09/10 gives no hint of closure. We didn't feel we should park on the road so gave up the attempt (our first with Walking World!).