Holyport Quartet: NW, through Stud Green and Paley Street

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Holyport is a very small village, south of Maidenhead and the M4. The area is mostly farmland for cattle, sheep and horses. By and large this particular route is on quiet footpaths, with very little need to use roads or pavements, although a few need to be crossed. The ground is London Clay, which means it can be very muddy after rain. There are unfortunately quite a few stiles and gates on the route, because of the farmland through which we pass.

There are two good pubs in Holyport: The George on the main road and The Belgian Arms, tucked away up a sidestreet.

A map showing how all four Holyport walks are interlinked is available under 'Related Downloads', should you wish to combine parts of more than one walk.

England - South England - Berkshire - Countryside


Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub, Woodland
5/3/2020 - Neil Packham

No route which involves crossing the M4 twice scores highly on the ‘getting away from it all’ scale, but this walk still manages to find some attractive lanes and byways. Unless walked in the middle of bone-dry summer, I’d strongly recommend continuing straight on at WM12 to retrace your steps back down Sturt Green to WM2. The final section through paddocks can otherwise be extremely muddy, churned-up and difficult walking.

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