Holyport Quartet: SE, Fifield - Braywood

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Holyport is a very small village, south of Maidenhead and the M4. The area is mostly farmland for cattle, sheep and horses. By and large this particular route is on quiet footpaths and farm tracks, but unfortunately this walk does involve a stretch of busy B-road. I have been unable to invent any alternative route to this, but there is a simple short cut and this would also cut about two miles (3.5km) from the route. Taking this means you would however, miss a couple of interesting buildings. The ground is London Clay, which means it can be very muddy after rain on the stretches that cross fields. There are unfortunately quite a few stiles and gates on the route, because of the farmland through which we pass.
There are four pubs in Holyport, two near the start: The George on the main road and The Belgian Arms, tucked away up a sidestreet.
A map showing how all four Holyport walks are interlinked is available under "Related Downloads", should you wish to combine parts of more than one walk.

England - South England - Berkshire - Countryside


Great Views, Mostly Flat, Pub
7/24/2016 - Neil Packham

I thnk this is the nicest of the four Holyport walks. All the paths are easily navigable and not too overgrown, even in high summer, and it's about as quiet and semi-rural in feel as it gets in this part of the world. Not being a big fan of on busy B-roads, I took the short-cut at WM6 and this turns it into a very pleasant hour-and-a-half walk. Probably best to reserve the full-length route for the very quietest times.

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