Hulme End - Shawfield - Blakemere Moor - Warslow - Hulme End

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Hulme End - Shawfield - Blakemere Moor (Mermaid Inn) - Upper Elkstone - Warslow - Hulme End

This walk takes you into some of the more remote areas of the Staffordshire Moorlands, with sections of boggy meadow and open moorland, mixed with woodland and field-paths.

Many parts of the route are infrequently walked, though most stiles are present. The short moorland section approaching the former Mermaid Inn area on Blakemere Moor requires frequent checks on the map as the path is almost indiscernible in the cotton grass and heather. The section is only 300 metres in distance though, so you won't really go too far adrift. You will find the road if you continue ahead from top of gulley.

The final approach to Blakemere Moor is road-walking alongside an often busy moorland road; there is a wide, grassy verge to avoid traffic.

The Mermaid Inn has closed as a pub and is now available as a self-catering holiday let (sleeps around thirty).

There is a good view across Upper Hulme to Hen Cloud and The Roaches from the area beside the former pub. It is now necessary to carry food and drinks for this route as there are no other sources of refreshments other than in Warslow (Greyhound Inn, Waymark 40) and Hulme End near the end ot the walk.

The return offers some superb views on the descent into the wide horseshoe valley towards Upper Elkstone.

England - Central England - Staffordshire - Peak District


Birds, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, National Trust, Pub, Toilets, Wildlife
10/4/2010 - Paul Taylor

An enjoyable walk but we had rain all day. After 21 we seemed to lose the track even with a GPS, but doesn't matter you will hit the road anyway. Just a bit tough walking through bracken. The Mermaid Pub has now closed down but we had a lovely meal at The Greyhound Pub in Warslow near the end of the walk. We will do this walk again on a Sunny Day.

8/15/2005 - Andrew Kennard

Between 20/21 and the road I ventureed a little too far to the left (with hind sight!) After crossing a stile I didn't need to because I thought the path went the other side of the boundary there was a large tree bush in the way. As I went to walk around it I suddenly found myself above knee deep in marsh and the next two steps I got deeper! Which had the old ticker going a bit quicker! I pulled myself out and after squeeging the socks headed for the road. I then made a b-line straight back to Hulme End ... squlech squelch !
I'm not blaming the route just to warn people if you go too far left (south) you could get seriously stuck!
PS I think going around Lower Fleet Green farm to avoid the dog threw my bearings a bit!

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