Hulme End - Upper Elkstone - Onecote - Butterton Loop

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This walk is tricky in some areas. It is mostly on field-paths in an area predominantly used for cattle- and sheep-farming. Some areas in the location of streams can become quite deeply churned and muddy by cattle activity.

There are not really any steep climbs, though with one reasonably steep descent. Some parts of the route are not frequently walked though all stiles except one, were present when walked. This exception was replaced with barbed wire and has been reported to Staffordshire County Council.

The pub used on this walk 'The Jervis Arms' at Onecote is quite walker-friendly, though they do not like muddy boots on their carpets. The food menu has a good choice and is reasonably priced. Also they offer a wide range of hand-pulled beers, usually including a Titanic Breweries ale and several other 'guest beers', sometimes including Abbeydale and other choice brewers' beers. Outside there is a riverside (River Hamps) beer-garden with bench tables and children's play area.

England - Central England - Staffordshire - Peak District


Birds, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Pub, River, Wildlife, Woodland
11/18/2010 - Sid Marks

Found the walk directions for this walk very tricky to follow, getting lost a few times, and had to abandon walk with 3 miles left due to poor light. I will try this walk in the summer months and report back.

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