Ilam - Beeston Tor - Wetton - Bunster Hill - Ilam

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Ilam - Rushley - Throwley Hall - Beeston Tor - Wetton - Damgate - Bunster Hill - Ilam

A quite demanding walk on the outward section, which includes all the climbs of any note, the return has only steady climbs with just about sixty metres rise and otherwise is level or downhill.

The route follows some little-used paths, some of which I had never walked before compiling this walk. There is much of interest around the route, with some superb views of the surrounding areas.

The route crosses the River Manifold at Beeston Tor; the popular crossing point here is across the mostly dry riverbed. I discovered the stepping-stones for the crossing here, on this walk, about twenty metres further downstream from the present crossing point. The access to the stepping-stones was quite overgrown. For most of the year the river is dry here, though at some times there is water flowing; there is an alternative offered for such times.

The pub used on this walk is the Olde Royal Oak in Wetton, a walker-friendly village pub, offering an adequate choice on their reasonably priced menu, the ham cobs or baguettes using locally produced ham being good value and enjoyable. There is usually a choice of beer on hand-pumps, with frequently changed guest beers offered.

England - Central England - Staffordshire - Peak District


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, National Trust, Pub, River, Stately Home, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife
7/25/2012 - Sid Marks

Quite a strenuous walk, but nevertheless a superb walk with splendid views. At waymark 17,the River Manifold was fully flowing,couldn't even cross by the stepping stones as they were submerged. So we carried on along The Manifold trail for about half a mile until Thors Cave was reached. Here we crossed the river via the bridge and if you keep on the path quite steeply uphill for about 400m, you eventually reach the Village of Wetton where we resumed the walk. The Olde Royal Oak was closed at 1pm on a Tuesday when we got there.

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