Instow and Beach - East and West Yelland - Instow

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Instow and Beach - East Yelland - West Yelland - Worlington Cross - Instow

A moderate walk with only one steepish lane, that will have great interest for all the family, a walk with the most spectacular views, not enjoyed by staying on the beach. Walk away from the popular end of the beach and explore the beach around the corner, where you will probably not find another person. Walk next to the estuary mudflats teeming with wildlife, then up into the country beyond, past the very pretty Instow Town to enjoy spectacular views of the estuary of the twin rivers and to the open sea beyond.

England - South West England - Devon - Coast


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Sea, Toilets, Wildlife
1/19/2023 - Mike Durrans

Please note a new housing development has a path with connects at point 6 to the Tarka trail. This allows one to walk through onto the Yelland road, walk up Lagoon View and onto the back lane, this cuts out the muddy right of way through the farm and rejoins the road to Instow Town. Just updating an an option Mike Durrans

9/5/2021 - James Brinkworth

A fantastic walk in a glorious region. Excellent directions. My only gripe is that this walk is mis-categorised as an 'easy walk' and should be listed as 'moderate'. There are a couple of very steep sections that we found challenging. In my view "very easy" should be virtually completely flat. Please change the categorisation accordingly.

2/26/2019 - Lesley Bruce

Really enjoyed the walk today on a warm February afternoon. The beach walk was good but we ended up on the beach and away from the walk by large bolders heaped against the wall. We’ve never been to this part of Instow before and the beach area is much larger than we realised. It was a very varied and interesting walk. The views from the hill above Instow were amazing, especially on a bright day like today. Thank you for posting it.

12/20/2017 - David Fairchild

The route pointed out by Mike is indeed an alternative but to my knowledge the original route has never been restricted by a high tide, I've never seen the tide that high but thanks for pointing out an alternate route.

12/6/2017 - Mike Durrans

One does not have to walk round the cricket club on the beach, its possible to turn right up the military road then left through the cricket club car park and down the little lane to the east of the pitch ( its part of the SWCoast path and a right of way that will bring you back to the beach. This eliminates a tide problem you may have at high tide

5/22/2014 - David Fairchild

Thanks Paul, glad you enjoyed the walk. David Fairchild

4/13/2014 - Paul and Tracy Dawson

As others have said about rounding the corner by the cricket club, you have to go on the beach, bit difficult when the tide is in? Two steep climbs after you cross the main road after the Tarka Trail stretch, but well worth it for the views, and a handily placed bench at the end of the second one. Walking guide spot on, thanks David

2/13/2013 - David Fairchild

As of Feb 2013, the partial dog ban has been lifted by the owners of the beach, the Christie Estate so unless they change their minds in the summer there is no restrictions for dogs on the beach. The very narrow concrete plinth is still there at the very base of the stone wall & makes the first bit of rounding the stoney section of beach easier but you have to keep tight to the wall.

1/25/2013 - Mike Durrans

This is my home walk which I never get tired of. Winter or summer it is a pleasure. However during the summer, the Instow beach has a partial dog ban, so owners need to be careful. The beach from the cricket club to the end of the dunes is out of bounds to dogs and surprisingly the beach in front of the village is open to dog walking.

9/21/2012 - Jeanette Potter

20/09/2012. A fantastic walk on a beautiful September afternoon. Please note that at point 1 the concrete path is no longer there, you have to walk on the beach. If you wish to shorten this walk at point 6 the Tarka Trail takes you back into Instow.

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29.9 Miles