Kingsthorpe - Dallington Heath - Church Brampton

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This walk is close to Northampton and takes in the Brampton Valley Way, grazing land, Harlestone forest and is close by the Northampton and Lamport railway. There are 3 pubs on the walk giving opportunity for refreshment.

Note from Josephine King: This beautiful walk across heathland and through pine woodland is due to be 'changed' as there are 2500 homes and industrial sites allocated to the heath. A major link road is propesed to be built through the woodland. Skylarks, grass snakes, woodpeckers, red-legged grouse, rare gorse and many walkers, cylcists and horse riders are likely to be affected.

Any queries can be sent to West Northamptonshire Development Committee (WNDC) or Northampton Borough Council or County Council. Re: Dallington Grange or Dallington Heath.

England - Central England - Northamptonshire - Countryside


Good for Kids, Mostly Flat, Museum, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Woodland
9/9/2018 - Dennis Johnson

Nice walk but couple of updates Point 23.. There is no Private, no public right of way sign. Just keep straight on the footpath and you will enter Chapel Brampton (as per Waymark 25) At Point 30 not only is the next stile not obvious but there is no caravan to aim to the left of it ! If you can make it through all the stinging nettles etc the elusive stile is in the immediate top right of this field

3/20/2010 - Rachel Bracher

Although we enjoyed this walk today, we did manage to get quite lost. The directions through the woods are far too vague, there are very many different right and left turns we could have taken and it was nigh on impossible to pinpoint the right ones. Also, we think the golf club must have rerouted some of the paths through as they bore very little resemblence to the directions? If we haven't had a map with us we would still be out there now!

10/7/2009 - Peter Glennon

Waypoint 30 Aim just to the RIGHT of the caravan. The stile, which admittedly is not that obvious until you're right on top of it, is in the R/H corner of the small field that adjoins the one with the van.

6/24/2008 - David Shaw

Re. waypoint 30 - "The next stile is not at all obvious ...": we could not find this stile at all, even after wading across a field overgrown with nettles. It appears that the landowner is not keen on having a footpath there. We turned back, and walked further down the nearby road from WP28 to pick up the Brampton railway path. 23/6/08

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