Kinpurney Hill from Newtyle

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Craigowl Hill, the highest summit of the Sidlaw Hiils, has a number of outlying tops to its west and north. Although not the highest of these, Kinpurney Hill is easily recognised due to the large square tower on its 345-metre high summit. Kinpurney Tower was erected in 1774 by James Mackenzie, Lord Privy Seal of Scotland. The tower is believed to have been an observatory, as Mackenzie was a keen astronomer. The tower was restored to its present state in 1974 and the nearby viewfinder was installed in 2003.

The walk begins in the car park on the east side of Newtyle and follows the Glamis Road east as far as Denend Farm. After passing through the farmyard the route follows paths and stairs, climbing up through the wooded Edderty Den. Just beyond the farm is a disused millpond and further up the den, the Edderty Burn descends in a series of small waterfalls. At the top of the den the woodland finishes and the route continues for 1km, climbing over grass- and gorse-covered slopes to the summit. On the exposed summit you find the tower, a viewfinder, a trig point and a weather-beaten old larch tree. The old larch's partner has finally succumbed to the elements but some younger companions are now growing. The summit is the site of an Iron Age fort and some remains of the ramparts can be found. The summit provides panoramic views over the Valley of Strathmore to the Grampians; the viewfinder helps you identify the distant peaks, including 24 Munros stretching from Stuc a Chroin in the west to Mount Keen in the east. The return route retraces the outward route.

Scotland - Northeast Scotland - Angus - Sidlaw Hills


Great Views, Hills or Fells, Waterfall, Wildlife, Woodland