Kippen to Dasher Farm

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From the war memorial on the main street walk down Rennie's Loan, as you walk down this cobbled road you will pass the old blacksmith's shop and the old Inn. The route contours round the back of the village and affords fantastic views of Ben Lomond, Ben Ledi, Ben Venue, and Ben Vorlich, the trail soon changes to a minor road that links onto the Back Road to the village. After negotiating several trails you will emerge at Wrightpark, this fine mansion has been turned into flats so you can walk past without any bother, a stop at the junction for lunch provides a fine view. A short walk along a minor road takes you to Dasher Farm. Go through the gate and walk down over the bridge and up past the windwill then down through a field to a small wood. Go through the gate with the red board, a pleasant walk then takes you to a minor road where you turn right and walk out to the village.

Scotland - Central Scotland - Stirling - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Mountains, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Tea Shop, Wildlife, Woodland
2/6/2014 - Arthur Homan-Elsy

2/6/2014 - Arthur Homan-Elsy

This is an excellent walk, with a spot-on map. But it is short on detailed descriptions over some of the longer sections. I have one particular complaint. The use of the term T junction is by convention confined to cases where the walker is approaching by the upright of the T. If you are approaching a junction by one of the crossbars, then you don't see a letter T. Similarly, the term V junction is not a normal convention. Half left or sharp right are the usual descriptions of junctions not at right angles. If you are approaching the V from the bottom of the V, then the normal convention is a Y junction.

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