Knowl Hill - Ashley Hill - Bowsey Hill - Knowl Hill

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An easy, circular walk through the woods and rolling farmland to the north of Knowl Hill, taking in the 'twin peaks' of Ashley Hill and Bowsey Hill, with fine views over the Thames Valley. The route is along popular paths which can get quite muddy in winter or after heavy rainfall.

The final part of the walk passes by a quarry which, many years ago, was used as the set for the films Journey to the Centre of the Earth and The Land that Time Forgot.

England - South England - Berkshire - Thames Valley


Birds, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub
6/1/2021 - Gavin Bradshaw

I found this to be a really enjoyable walk. It had a nice mixture of open fields and shaded wood areas to give you a break from the heat of bright sun light. The views were quite pleasant as well. There was only one brief very muddy patch which couldn't be easily avoided where I got my nice new walking boots filthy. But I consider this payback for the grief they have caused my feet on the first few outings till they were broken in. There are no longer any stiles to cross during the course of this walk as they have all been replaced by kissing gates. So this should be a relief to those of you with heavy canine friends that will no longer need to be lifted over any stiles. I've suggested some modifications to the site admins to reflect these changes as well as some slight updates where the terrain has altered a little over the years. Still, it was easy enough walk to follow and one which I'd definitely recommend.

8/4/2016 - Robin John

Did this in early August 2016 and agree with previous comments that many of signposts have changed from those in the original instructions, & most of RR signs are now Knowl Hill Bridleway Circuit. Given the number of intersecting footpaths and signs (none with destinations marked), any revision to the instructions could usefully give broad compass bearings eg turn North Easterly as do many Walkingworld routes with intersecting footpaths. In terms of dog friendliness I was doing fine with my 22 kilo border collie through the new kissing gates, until I hit 2 stiles towards the end with no dog access holes and had to lift him over which was no mean feat on your own! Robin John

4/18/2014 - Wendy Booth

We really enjoyed this walk today in the sunshine. As other posters have commented, the Seven Stars is boarded up and stiles have been mostly replaced by kissing gates. This was our first Walking World walk and we will definitely be buying more. It is so useful to have the exact points of the map indicated and also the photos were extremely useful. I was a bit confused by point 13 which mentions metalled paths - not sure what they are but I only saw tarmacked road. Point 14 states the enclosed path is shortly after a junction. There is no junction between 13 and 14. Only word of warning - this is quite hilly so if you're used to level walks in the area then it may feel like more than 4.5m.

3/12/2012 - Laura Parker

Firstly, at the parking 'lay by', the Seven Stars pub is now (March 2012) boarded up and empty, and not easy to spot. Next door is David Hunt Tools (with a bright yellow sign), which is easier to spot. The lay by is on the right, just as you enter Knowl Hill, coming from Maidenhead. On the walk, as already stated by Chris, most of the stiles have been replaced with kissing gates. Also, a lot of the waymark colours are not there any more, and things like 'orange dots' and 'white arrows on trees' don't exist either any more. The walk took us 2 hours 30 minutes and felt like more than 4.5 miles.

1/23/2008 - Walkingworld Administrator

Thanks to Chris Christodoulou for his amendments which were incorporated January 2008.

1/13/2008 - Chris Christodoulou

We did this walk on a cold bright sunny day in January. Although the directions were clear enough if you keep to the RR route there have been many changes since it was written. Most of the stiles have been replaced by kissing gates. I have submitted changes for waymarks 12 - 15. Whilst the welcoming '7 stars' pub is open all day the 'Dew Drop Inn' is not so friendly to walkers! Chris Christodoulou.

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Distance away
29.2 Miles