La Savina – Punta des Trucadors Circular

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This is the second walk conveniently from the ferry terminal at La Savina (the first is Walk 7402). This walk takes us northwards along the breathtaking coastline and dunes to reach a point very close to the Punta des Trucadors. This is where a small and rocky channel separates Formentera from the island of Espalmador. The walk bring us southwards along the eastern shoreline before we head inland to cross one of the old salt lakes and continuing south along the salt lakes banks. At the end we cross over to reach the large salt lake, Estany Pudent. We will follow the rocky foreshore to reach a stone causeway across the northernmost part of the Estany. There is an alternative way at this point if required. Finally we will cross the dunes to reach the coastal track we started out on and simply follow this back to the marina and ferry port once more.

Spain - Balearic Islands - Formentera - Coast


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Good for Kids, Great Views, Industrial Archaeology, Mostly Flat, Nature Trail, Play Area, Public Transport, Restaurant, Sea, Toilets, Wildlife
11/7/2017 - Jim Arymar

Re-walked this one in November 2017 and have made a few description improvements. It remains a lovely walk and all OK. Jim Arymar