Langleeford - The Cheviot Circular

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Our walk starts from the Hawsen Bridge car park where we follow the Harthope Burn as we gently climb up the valley. Passing the Harthope Linn waterfall, the area becomes more remote as we make our way up to 'Scotsman's Knowe'. From here we have a short steep climb to Cairn Hill where we join the Pennine Way. The stone-flagged path across the peat bogs make it an easy walk to the summit of The Cheviot at 815 metres. Here in the peat bogs on the north-west slopes lies the remains of an American B17 aircraft which crashed in thick fog in December 1944. Occasionally the remains can be seen above the peat, but it is not safe to go looking for them! We leave the summit to a steeper descent down to Scald Hill, then gently down into the Harthope Valley and back to the car park.

Note for dog owners Parts of this walk may not be public footpaths so please check restrictions before going in this area area at to see the restricted areas. It is possible that dogs may not be allowed on parts of this walk.

England - North England - Northumberland - Cheviot Hills


Birds, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Wildlife, Woodland
8/14/2013 - Roy Marshall

Another great walk from Julia Ewart. Minor point on the picture at point 12 - at this stile the path goes straight on. It was the next stile, not pictured, where the path followed the fence, though there's a new vehicle track in the same direction too. I'd done this circular walk before anticlockwise, but Julia's clockwise direction is much better and less brutal. Great views of the coast yesterday - we could see Bamburgh, the Farnes and Lindisfarne.

6/28/2009 - Shaun McKittrick

No problems doing this walk with our dogs. The weather does close in very quickly though .... good to have a compass and weatherproof Explorer Map.

8/3/2005 - Paul Spears

Just a minor point. Comments re points 11 to 12 on the map states road runs WEST. Agreed that it does travel West to East, however direction of travel is mainly East. Could be slightly confusing. Paul Spears.

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