Loja - Cruz Periquete - Loja

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From the Hotel Restaurant El Mirador (The Viewpoint), where they have a restaurant and bar and you can enjoy a beer and tapa for 1.20 euros, with views across the old town the walk passes through a small pine area, under the motorway by an interesting tunnel and then up past an old mineral workings onto the rock-lined mule track. Some care is needed descending, since short areas of this track have scree on the surface. As you ascend, mountain and town views open up in all directions. The track comes out onto an open, rock-strewn area with views up to the distant Parque EĆ³lico (Wind Farm) and the Cruz de Periquete (Periquete Cross) to your right. After a small wood you turn onto a rock-cobbled track which leads up to the cross and 360-degree views. You return, savouring the views, descending on the same route.

Spain - Southern Spain - Granada - West Granada

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Distance away
24.9 Miles