Long Compton - Barton-on-the-Heath - Long Compton

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Long Compton lies at the northern tip of the Cotswolds and has many characteristics of a typical Cotswold village, including thatched limestone cottages, a medieval church and pretty hedgerowed lanes. The village was enclosed in the early nineteenth century and many ridge and furrow fields from this time still survive today, as you will see on the walk, as it takes you continuously up and down walking across the fields, particularly while approaching Barton-on-the-Heath.

Shortly after leaving Barton-on-the-Heath, the walk heads through a deer farm. There are some quite tight and high kissing-gates to negotiate in the deer-fence to get in, but it's worth the effort, as you are pretty much guaranteed to see the herd of deer as you walk through.

The walk finishes by climbing up the hill to the south of Long Compton. It is a long, gentle climb and you are rewarded with some great views looking down on the village and surrounding area.

England - Central England - Warwickshire - Cotswolds

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