Lulworth and White Nothe Coastal Tour

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From the car park on the ridge above Ringstead, the route goes eastward along the downs. Gradually the coast and the Purbeck Hills come into view. Descending to Lulworth Cove with its holiday-maker facilities, it is a must to go exploring, especially Stair Hole, a baby cove in the making where the rock strata are truly distorted.

Amphibians may consider a paddle or even a dip from the stony beach at Lulworth Cove or the far-less-stony beach at Durdle Door.

The route now returns on the clifftop, climbing over Hambury Tout to Durdle Door. Beyond the Door are three sharp climbs, Swyre Head, Bats Head and the White Nothe. Should they seem too daunting (or if too much time was spent at Lulworth) a short cut converts this into a single, more gentle climb onto a flat route slightly inland. From the end of the White Nothe, the route descends to Holworth House and back to the car park. The walk is firm underfoot except after wet weather. There are no facilities at start and finish except parking and an excellent view.

England - South West England - Dorset - Coast


Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Sea, Toilets, Wildlife
5/2/2018 - Kieran McMahon

Completed this walk on Friday 27th April 2018 in the poring rain ! With 4 friends. Despite the weather this is an excellent walk. Great views but feel it should be re classified strenuous and not moderate as the return journey from Lulworth Cove is very difficult - 5 very steep climbs which must be at least 45 degrees . Some of the comments mention - going the wrong way at point 4 - whilst can see why people went wrong if you stay close to the fence at the escarpment you will stay on the footpath. We also avoided the road,down to Lulworth cove by following the footpath at the road junction Newlands Farm - which initially goes South and then east towards the cove - much better and safey than walking on the road. The group that completed the walk commented that this was one of the better walks they have completed Kieran McMahon

9/8/2009 - Robin Philpott

I did this walk on 4/9/09 - a lovely dry day. It's a beautiful walk (very similar to walk 2686 which I did a couple of years ago)with gorgeous views and some good climbs, some of which would be very difficult when wet. Recommended all the same.

3/7/2007 - Yvonne Murphy

A wonderful walk, but one that could never be taken as a stroll! As Mark Greene describes, the climbs over the 'heads' were extremely steep and very difficult in wet weather. We also fell foul of the point 4 trap and ended up in the caravan site, which incendently carries the name of the farm, very confusing! I would point out that the section of road that leads from the farm to the visitor centre at Lulworth has little verge and quite a lot of traffic. We found this quite difficult with a bouncy Golden Retreiver on a lead. I would agree with Mark that the walk should be taken the prescibed way 'round, as the impact of Durdle Door and the rising of the cliffs from Lulworth, is quite magnificent. Just make sure you have a good rest before you attempt the climbs!    

12/13/2006 - Roger Fairweather

I agree with Mark Greene, the second half of the walk is far from moderate with the five stiff climbs to do. I would recommend doing the walk in reverse, that way the tough climbs are done when you are fresh and the return leg becomes a gentle stroll.

3/8/2006 - Mark Greene

Very enjoyable. Did this walk with my 17 year old daughter last Saturday. The first half (car park to Lulworth)is far easier than the second - but this is probably the best way round. At Lulworth there is a visitor centre, with refreshments and toilets. We got a little confused on point 4 - watch out for this. We went right, aimed for the post in the middle of the field, but then ended up going down a very steep slope, heading for a path in the distance. This turned out to be wrong, and by the time we made our way to Newlands Farm, we'd come back up the same slope further on (near the caravan park - which you can't enter by the way, unless through the gate). It would have been better to stay level on the top of the escarpment, and reach the farm that way. From the farm, the road leads straight to West Lulworth and then on to the cove and visitor centre - all simple and straighforward. From the visitor centre, the walk is exhilarating - there are five steep 'Heads' to climb over - the slopes must be 45 degrees for Swyre Head and Bat's Head - not moderate for me, but we made it. If it's a beautiful day, this must be one of the nicest ways to spend an afternoon. 8/3/06

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