Lymm Dam and Points South

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This is a pleasant walk through Cheshire countryside with the attractions of Lymm Dam, a man-made lake at the start and the Bridgewater Canal at the end. Lymm is an attractive large village with, I am told, nine inns. There is also an Italian restaurant and a cafe run by villagers in the community centre. I have tried and can recommend both of these. By the ancient Lymm Cross are the village stocks; I have not tried these, though.

England - North England - Cheshire - Countryside


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Lake/Loch, Mostly Flat, Play Area, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
9/28/2020 - Maggie Crowther

My husband & I (plus our dog) did this walk yesterday (28/09/20). Or, at least, did some of it. It’s obvious that this walk was designed a few years ago as there are a number of things that need updating and changing. Some of the pictures/landmarks need updating as there have been some changes e.g. footpath and road signs that are no longer there or changed such as the 30-mph road sign at waymark 18 and the Give Way sign at waymark 14. The wooden gate at waymark 17 is now a metal gate. Some of the stiles in the photographs look quite different, too, probably due to wear and tear. However, the reason we were not able to follow all of the walk was because the directions in the early stages were unclear. The main problem started at Waymark 5 where it says: “Cross the road, go down a few steps and continue beside the dam”. The only steps after crossing the road lead to a long, concreted pathway running parallel to the A56 with a dead end at a stone bridge. There are no other steps there. We decided to walk alongside the dam looking for the aforementioned steps (which we never did find). Probably, those who are familiar with Lymm Dam would find it easy to follow but never having been there before and still looking for the steps, we decided to just go our own way. By chance we eventually noticed a sign pointing to The Bongs at a stone bridge not mentioned in the instructions which we followed. At the end of the Bongs, the instructions gave the impression that the “stile leading into fields” was close to the boardwalk, when in actual fact, it was much further on along the track. If the instructions had mentioned this, we would probably have had more confidence in the directions, knowing that we were actually in the correct place. It wasn’t until we reached the stile at waymark 8 that we finally realised that we were on the right track. Phew! Being new to the area, a few extra landmarks to look out for along the route would also have been helpful with more indications of distance between each one. Apart from that, it was a lovely September’s day in a beautiful part of Cheshire, and, despite the confusion, it was a pleasant walk.

1/21/2018 - Graham Moss

Walked on the 20/01/18. Another good winter walk from Jim. Easy navigation though as expected, very boggy fields and paths due to heavy rain over the previous few days. Car park is a pay and display though not expensive. As I am reluctant to pay car park fees if I can avoid them I adapted the walk to start from the free car park at the north end of Lymm Dam. (SJ 684 868) There is another small car park at The Avenue (SJ 678 8625) which is where you can pick up the walk at Waypoint 5.

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24.9 Miles