Malham - Gordale Scar - Malham Tarn - Malham Cove - Malham

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Starting off in the beautiful village of Malham, this walk heads north-east to a stunning waterfall called Janet's Foss. The waterfall and stream play host to a wide range of wildlife including dippers, which can be seen flying up and down the river and are lovely to watch.

The route then backtracks slightly to the road and follows a track through a campsite into the depths of Gordale Scar. Gordale Scar is one of the most spectacular geological features on this walk and just as amazing as Malham Cove itself. The scar has high vertical cliff walls with a beautiful series of waterfalls at its centre. A short and relatively easy scramble will take you up alongside the waterfall to the second level, which starts to open out a little and is just as breathtaking. A visit to Gordale Scar must not be missed!

The route then leads up onto the hills and past areas of limestone pavement to an open plateau, where it heads for Malham Tarn. The tarn is owned and managed by the National Trust and is a national nature reserve, so there is plenty of wildlife to see, especially when you get into the depths of the reserve and on the boardwalk.

Returning to Malham follows a beautiful route through a deepening valley which would have been the original route of the river which once flowed over Malham Cove in a spectacular Ice Age waterfall. Once at the cove the size, scale and magnificence of Malham Cove takes over and you can spend hours here just looking up in awe. Peregrine falcons nest on the clifftop and numerous rock climbers will be scaling its lower rocky faces, a spectacular end to a tremendous walk.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales


Ancient Monument, Birds, Cafe, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Moor, National Trust, Pub, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Waterfall, Wildlife
7/14/2018 - Peter Bruford

I followed this route last week and thoroughly enjoyed it!! The route was clearly laid out and easy to follow and certainly took in some wonderful scenery - thank you Joe for the time taken in preparing the route.

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