Malham Tarn - Settle

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A fine upland start with stunning views of the jewels of Yorkshire, before descending through sheep-grazed pastures to the market town of Settle. After a dramatic climb and a wander through towering outcrops, the walk follows an ancient route back to the tarn.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Yorkshire Dales


Birds, Church, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Lake/Loch, Moor, National Trust, Pub, Sea, Tea Shop
11/19/2013 - mark archer

A walk of two halves! Varied scenery and sound underfoot all the way to Settle...but...what a slog on the return! I don't mind hills but the route uphill seemed to go on forever. Thank goodness Malham Tarn appeared when it did. I'm sure a walk of similar length but with a slightly altered route could be created around here, perhaps accessing the Pennine Bridleway earlier. By the way, some of the signing has altered on this walk. Highlight? Viewing Pen Y Ghent, Ingleborough and what I imagine to be either the Borrowdale Fells or Hellvellyn in the far distance. (I would love to be enlightened on this please!)

10/20/2006 - William Kembery

Nice comment; but starting in Settle means no "brew" or lunch half way and how do you do such a walk with only one leg and arm after parking in Settle?

10/15/2006 - Steve Spencer

Excellent walk with some fantastic views along the way. I would recommend parking in Settle and starting here to get the climb over with early in the walk.

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20.5 Miles