Marhamchurch - Bude - Canal Heritage

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This pleasant circular walk starts from the small barge museum and canal at Marhamchurch, near Bude. This is the first stage of a set of six inclined planes that carried barges up a total of 425ft from sea level in less than six miles. After walking to the end of this short stretch of canal we traverse a track past attractive cottages, before turning inland through farmland and quiet tracks with views from the highest point. After crossing the main A30 Bude to Camelford road we are in the canal valley, where we follow a quiet track beside the nature reserve, finally to join the Bude Canal just outside the town. There is a choice here of continuing the walk along the canal, or visiting Bude for shops, refreshments or toilets at the nearby tourist information centre.

After visiting Bude, if required, our walk returns along the tranquil banks of the canal. A variety of wildlife can be glimpsed as we stroll back along the canal, first on one side, then crossing Rodds Bridge to the other. Finally, reaching Hele Bridge, we re-cross the A30 to return to our vehicle. Approximately 50% of this walk is along canals and there is very little road-work.

England - South West England - Cornwall - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Museum, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, River, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife
7/7/2009 - Walkingworld Administrator

This walk was updated, July 2009.

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