Mill End - Rotten Row - Pheasants Hill - Hambleden - Mill End

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This walk is a great advert for what the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) has to offer. There are great views of the valley, shady woodland (great in the summer), lush fields and an abundance of wildlife to look out for. It is also not too strenuous and has the added advantage of a refreshment stop in the pretty Chilterns village of Hambleden. Once you have got this one under your belt, you can consider trying something a little more adventurous.

The walk starts in the Mill End Car Park before taking a route in a field parallel to the road in the direction of Hambleden. It turns right well before the village and starts climbing, giving great views of the valley. The walk continues to rise through North Cot Wood before reaching a country lane.

The route heads back into the country, then through Hatcham's Wood before reaching the hamlet of Rotten Row. After crossing some large fields, the walk enters Heath Wood and descends to a green track running through the middle. After exiting the wood, there is a steep, sharp climb (with great views) before entering Pheasant's Hill Wood, where you may see plenty of deer. The walk then descends through the wood before coming out at a paddock in the village itself.

After this, the route follows the Hambleden Valley, through meadows, past the church and into the village itself, where the walker has an option of where to eat. The final stage of the walk is a stroll through the fields, in part revisiting the route taken at the beginning of the walk. Enjoy!

England - Central England - Buckinghamshire - Chilterns


Birds, Church, Food Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
3/29/2021 - Andrew Long

Walk revisited and updated by contributor on a windy spring sunday in march. Starting car parkng is no longer free. Signage round route is pretty good so you shouldn't get lost.

6/10/2018 - Andrew Long

Following feedback about a lack of clarity about WM13, have re-walked and updated sections including 12 and 13.

5/19/2014 - J's Walks

Just like the route instructions state - this really is a showcase for the Chilterns in this area of Outstanding natural beauty. A varied walk from Hambleden valley to the wide open hill views to the dense woodland. Good for dog walkers too, but be prepared for some nettle bashing in places, though it wasn't that bad on my walk. If this walk interests you, see the walking video (amongst others) at

10/29/2012 - Andrew Long

Walk revisited and updated by contributor. Minor tweaking of instructions and new photo in WM10 where stile has now disappeared!

8/4/2012 - Jane Javan

A really lovely walk, very enjoyable. EXCELLENT cream tea in the Stag & Huntsman in Hambleton (if you only want a light snack, one between two is ample!) Just to clarify - after turning left to join the wide track at Waymark 12 you will reach a fork where the main track goes up to the left and a narrower footpath continues straight on...follow the narrower footpath! The instructions say 'don't be tempted to turn off' the track so we continued to follow the wide track and then had to retrace our steps.

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Distance away
26.1 Miles