Moor Gate - Easterside Hill - Hawnby - Hawnby Hill

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Starting this walk at Moor Gate (north of Hawnby) allows us to visit the village two-thirds of the way round and also gives us a good look at the two hills which dominate Hawnby: Easterside Hill and Hawnby Hill. From Moor Gate, we cross Ladhill Beck to the moorland beneath Easterside Hill. This is a typical moorland crossing, stunning when the heather is in full colour and alive with birdlife (look out for meadow-pipit here).

Soon, views down into Fangdale and Ryedale open up ahead and we walk around the back of Easterside Hill. The next leg of the walk is along a quiet lane. Now we've dropped off the moor, the variety of wildflowers and plants on the verges will certainly please the botanists.

The lane takes us back across Ladhill Beck and steeply up into Hawnby Village, a pleasant spot to stop for lunch, or for refreshment in The Inn at Hawnby. Once refreshed, we climb steeply up to Hawnby Hill Crag and breathtaking views in all directions.

Dog-owners, please note the presence of cows, sheep and some dog-unfriendly stiles. Also, there are ground-nesting birds on the moorland stretch, so please keep your dog on a lead here during the nesting season.

England - North England - Yorkshire - North York Moors


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Pub, River, Wildlife

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26.7 Miles