Newsholme Dean and Keighley Moor

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Walks in the mountain areas of Britain tend to go along the lines of, 'Walk up something big and steep, walk around a bit, sometimes with great views, then walk down something steep'. West Yorkshire tends to be a bit more subtle than that. There will be ups and consequent downs, but they tend not to be as big as in the mountains.

The scenery, also, is somewhat understated compared with the high upland areas. Variety is often the main feature and in this walk you get a good Yorkshire helping of that. The walk starts on byways and tracks, with views across to the hills associated with the Bronte family. Then, having had enough of long views, the route drops down into the scenic Newsholme Dean.

Easy walking now brings you to the delightful small village of Goose Eye, worth visiting just for the name. There's another bird to visit here, a turkey to go with the goose, in the shape of the wonderful Turkey Inn. The pub has its own brewery and that combined with good food and a warm welcome, could easily bring the walk to a premature finish!

The second half of the course will help walk off any excess hospitality. After a bit of up and down in Newsholme Dean, you get the chance to stretch the legs striding up to Keighley Moor Reservoir. Big skies are the order of the day, a complete contrast to what came before. A wander off the moor takes you back to your car with the Grouse Inn 200 metres away.

Valleys, moors, views, history and two pubs for the price of one; a great way to spend a day in West Yorkshire.

England - North England - Yorkshire - Pennines

9/12/2020 - Steven Wainer

Did this walk with my Rottweiler Missy on 10/09/2020,mostly dog friendly but a big drop after step stile after WP 18,wet between WP 23 and 24 and hardly saw anybody else all day,a good walk to escape the crowds.All directions still good

9/27/2015 - Andy Booth

Did this again on 23/09/15 in glorious sunshine until WM21 when nature let us have it. Mattered not a jot as it's a cracking walk. Great instructions too. Cheers Paul.

8/24/2013 - Rosemary Murphy

Did this walk on 18/08/2013. Lovely day and a fabulous walk. Hardly saw another person. Easy walking and a variety of scenery. Thank you Paul Shorrock

2/29/2012 - Andy Booth

Did this walk on 28/02/12 and enjoyed it. Directions were spot on though the ford at WM19 wasn't that shallow at this time of year and the submerged stones were slippery so be careful! As fore-warned it was very wet between WM23 and 24. Still a very enjoyable walk!

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