Norden - Scotland - Blue Pool - Corfe

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This walk was originated by Colin Campbell. Walkingworld would like to say a big thank you to Colin for all his superb contributions to the website over the years.

The Blue Pool is a disused claypit in which the particles in suspension give it its particular colour. It is a very popular tourist attraction and is usually approached by road. But for the energetic, Norden Park and Ride, the inland terminus of the Swanage Steam Railway, provides a good starting point to get to it on foot. As you circle around to it, you first pass through the area called Scotland and then cross open ground with distant views of the ruins of Corfe Castle. You proceed to and across, an unused part of the railway line and onto Norden Common, then to the Blue Pool. Next you have to decide whether or not you are going to pay to see the Pool (at one time it was free). The way around the rest of the circuit is along easy tracks and paths, although these can be fairly muddy after heavy rain. You emerge at the Corfe Castle Visitors' Centre, from where it is about half a mile back to the Park and Ride.

England - South West England - Dorset - Purbecks


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Castle, Flowers, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, Mostly Flat, Museum, National Trust, Public Transport, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
8/30/2015 - colin Hepburn

It now costs £3.00 to park at Norden at 18 camp site the 3 stiles mentioned are now gates. Easy to follow but quite muddy in places. I am 68 and managed OK.

9/6/2011 - Pat Chipping

Excellent walk with very little road walking making it very dog friendly. There are now two stiles in place at point 4/5. If you are planning to visit Corfe Castle head into the village not the visitor centre - the entrance is from the village.

12/1/2008 - Michael Somers

Great Walk with some fantastic views. One point to note, the parking is now £2.00 for the day.

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