Old Sodbury - Cotswolds Way - Horton Court - Little Sodbury End - Old Sodbury

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The Cotswold Way is the prime walking way in the area, and the walk picks it up from Old Sodbury. You soon reach the hill fort (which is only hilly on one side - a bit of a drawback, you'd think!). I've been told Edward IV's army stopped here as it hunted down the Lancastrians at Tewkesbury in the wars of the Roses. Shortly after, you pass the church where Tyndale apparently was inspired to translate the bible (he got burned for his troubles). Your route takes you on to the village of Horton and down a quiet country lane to Horton Court - a lesser known National Trust property.

From there cross fields to a stretch on quiet country road, and more fields back to the start.

England - South West England - Gloucestershire - Cotswolds


Ancient Monument, Church, Great Views, National Trust
9/7/2021 - lee kersaw

05.09.21 - after struggling with the instructions on our last walk the previous week, it was a breath of fresh air to find these written so concisely. No issues with access (no electric fences or chained gates). Not one for dogs especially due to road slog in the middle section, by the side of a busy A road (even on a Sunday), without pavement. The National Trust property is a rental so cannot be visited.

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