Pandy - Offa's Dyke Path - Trawellwyd - Marches Way

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Pandy - Offa's Dyke Path - Trawellwyd - Strawberry Nature Reserve - Marches Way

The Black Mountains are situated on the border between Wales and England. The area is often likened to the fingers of a hand as there are ridges running north to south, with lovely valleys between. These five walks explore some of the eastern flanks of the Black Mountains. Some walks start in England and some in Wales. Walk 4531 visits a hill-fort, 4536 is rural, 4537 takes in a church and a river and 4538 is a good climb. This Walk 4539 starts by following Offa's Dyke Path and returns using the Beacons Way and the Marches Way. In the meantime, enjoy spectacular views and visit a nature reserve. The route crosses the railway twice, as well as the river.

Wales - South Wales - Monmouthshire - Black Mountains


Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Mountains, Pub, River, Wildlife, Woodland
9/5/2019 - Melvyn Jones

Did this walk on the 1st September and can confirm that Gill's comments dating back to 2013 still hold true. Initially everything seems fine as the first couple of stiles have been replaced with shiny new gates but then things deteriorate rapidly as you encounter stile after stile with no dog 'gates' anywhere to be seen. We have 2 Golden retrievers and lifting them continually was becoming rather more than a chore. It was also quite badly signposted in places, adding to our frustration!

3/2/2013 - Gill Venner

A really nice walk but not suitable for older big dogs as many of the stiles did not have what I call 'dog crawl holes' and if they did they could be 'fenced' off. We had to lift our 10 year old Labrador over a few-not easy!

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