Pangbourne - Greenmoor Hill - Mapledurham - Pangbourne

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Starting from Pangbourne Station, this circular walk takes in the delightful village of Whitchurch and some fine beech woodland on the edge of the Chilterns before descending back into the Thames Valley, where we take a short detour to visit Mapledurham House and Mill.

A good day's walking starts from the car park at Pangbourne Railway Station and crosses the Thames at Whitchurch via the superb Victorian iron tollbridge. After the initial climb out of the valley the route is across fields, through beech woodland and along quiet country lanes. Following a short detour at Waymark 20 to visit the delightful Thamesside village of Mapledurham (where incidentally, many of the sequences for The Eagle has Landed were filmed), we take a popular path back to Whitchurch, with fine views across open countryside and the Thames Valley.

England - South England - Berkshire - Thames Valley


Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, River
9/21/2020 - Gavin Bradshaw

On balance, I'm giving this walk 4 out of 5. Parts of it were well worth 5, other bits only 3. There are some very nice views to be had and it's a good mixture of fields and woods. The last stretch from Mapledurham back to Pangbourne seemed to drag a bit as it was a long way along a lane, and my feet were staring to rebel a little by then. I did take the detour into Mapledurham, but was slightly disappointed that walls and fences have been built up since the film was made (1976), but the mill looks unchanged, though you have to view it through railings now. Overall though, I really decent walk.

1/18/2011 - Pete Steele

A fabulous walk through beautiful countryside with magnificent views. Highly recommended for a morning stroll. Wear stout boots in the winter though as some of the paths through the wooded areas were a little muddy. Don't let that put you off at all. Purely delightful.

8/7/2005 - Laurence & Christine Marchant

This is the first walk my wife and I have walked from this web site. It was excellent. Well described easy to follow. There is only one down side between points 12 to 18 in the woods this area is now appears to be used by cyclists for a timed point to point race. Apart from making the area muddy difficult to walk, they are a danger to all other users with no respect for or consideration of any one else using the woods. Other than that a very enjoyable walk well described. Well done

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