Perranporth - Trevaunance Cove

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Perranporth with its 3 miles of golden sands is a popular seaside resort on the north Cornwall coast.
Standing on the beach, to your right is a vast area of sand dunes and to the left Droskyn Point, site of the Droskyn Mine. At the top of the hill to your left, Cliff Hill, is the huge Droskyn Sundial laid down to commemorate the Millennium. The sundial points across Perran Bay to Gull Rock. The sundial is calculated to “Cornish Time” and therefore shows a difference of 20 minutes to GMT.

St. Piren. Patron saint of Cornish Tinners is said to have landed on this beach from Ireland in the 6th Century and established an Oratory in the dunes. (Walk 4549)
On the beach is also the famous arch cut from the rock by the seas.
During the walk you will encounter the “Blue Hills” tin mine, portraying Cornish Tin production from the Bronze age until today. Watch the ore crushed & black tin concentrated. See the brilliant white metal smelt in the furnace. Tin jewellery and gifts are for sale.

The walk also crosses the WWII Perranporth airfield, now used for gliding. There are many remains of Ammo stores, Gun implacements & Observation posts. If you go exploring take care.

England - South West England - Cornwall - Coast


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Industrial Archaeology, Moor, Museum, National Trust, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant, Sea, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
8/5/2020 - Ron and Jenny Glynn

We think that Sally (see previous comment) got slightly lost, and it seems to us that she took the wrong path at waymark 7 where there is a choice of PRWs which would mean being longer on the road than our instructions.

6/21/2011 - Stephen Harris

Fantastic walk although just over 8 miles according to our GPS. The walk is nice throughout, directions are good but essentially if you just follow the waymarked coastal path you can't go far wrong. There are some sections on this where you wouldn't want to fall so I wouldn't recommend this walk if you have children or dogs as it would be game over if they ran off! in some places. The coastal section is truly breathtaking but the woodland sections before are equally rewarding. There is one section with a field containing livestock (cows) so you may have to be careful if they are grazing in the lower part of this field. Good walk though!.