Picasso Way, Part 1: Guardiola de Bergueda – Camping Susen, Saldes

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It is said that butterflies use their colours for camouflage. The colours of our butterflies are ochre, sandstone and earthy brown, the colours that more than a century ago inspired one of our most universal artists, Pablo Picasso, to change his style.

We invite you to become that butterfly, to know the colours of the landscape, to absorb the sensations, to walk in calm and bring the colours of the Picasso Way into your life. For just a few days, leave behind the rush of modern life and experience the scenery that inspired the great master. Allow yourself to be enchanted by fragrances, colours and sensations. You have a powerful ally to help you: the same beautiful setting that fascinated Picasso in 1906. The route invites you to travel within, to discover the artist we all have inside.

Sant Llorenç Prop Baga:
above the village of Guardiola de Berguedà, sitting among unspoilt scenery on the eastern slopes of the Gisclareny Range, is the Monastery of Saint Lawrence. A community of Benedictine monks first settled there in the 9th Century; the church was consecrated a century later and the community grew steadily until the 15th Century. An earthquake demolished a significant part of the monastery in 1428. Restoration work on the church was completed in 2008.

its unmistakable outline has made it one of Catalonia's most emblematic mountains and one of the symbols of the Catalan rambling movement. Reaching a height of 2,506 metres with its twin peaks, Pedraforca offers an enormous biological diversity in a unique geological context. The desire to protect the mountain also inspired the birth of the country's conservation movement.

Spain - North East Spain - Barcelona - Parque Natural de Cadi-Moixero


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Mountains, Nature Trail, Public Transport, Wildlife