Pool of Muckhart to Rumbling Bridge

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From the Coronation car park in Pool of Muckhart the route is straight ahead down a minor road. Turn left and carry on to cross the A823. To your left there are wonderful views of the Ochil Hills. As you approach Mosspark House turn left down a pleasant track. Further on you will come to a V-junction; turning right takes you up to Naemoor Farm, where a public path allows you to bypass the farm. Follow the signs to a junction, where you turn right and walk to the next junction where you turn left. Walk across a wild section of road to join the River Devon; the track here can be a bit muddy but makes interesting walking. Pass the new bridge and turn right up between the high deer-fences; there are several muddy sections here. A left turn takes you down to the A823. This is the poor section of the route as you have to walk along the pavement to the entrance down to the River Devon. What a wonderful surprise awaits you! This magnificent river has fantastic falls; there are several viewing platforms to allow you to admire the 120ft gorge and at the end is the double stone bridge built in 1713. At this point there is constant rumbling from the deep ravine. A pleasant walk past Blairhill takes you aut to the open countryside where you can view the Gargunnock Hills and the Wallace Monument before taking the path through the school grounds to the Devon Way and back to the car park.

Scotland - Central Scotland - Clackmannan - Ochil Hills


Hills or Fells, Mountains, Pub, Public Transport, River, Waterfall, Woodland
3/6/2024 - Michael Brown

A few of the paths were very muddy when I did it in February. Very pleasant walk, instructions easy to follow. Nice varied walk, with small villages, waterfalls, good views. Maybe best to do it in late Spring, Summer when should be drier underfoot. Enjoyed the walk and will definitely do it again.

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