Porlock - Hurlstone Point - Bossington Hill - Porlock Weir

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We start our walk at Porlock, a picturesque village with plenty to explore, soon leaving it as we cross to Bossington, the quintessential tucked-away Somerset village with colourful old thatched cottages aplenty and matching cottage gardens.

Saying 'Au revoir' to Bossington, we start out along the South West Coast Path, climbing gradually to Hurlstone Point. Here we visit the old coastguard station. It's an interesting building complete with battlements and you'd be forgiven for thinking it was a much earlier structure. However, the advent of radio made it surplus to requirements and it now serves only as a destination for walkers.

Now, the only significant ascent of the day begins, as we climb almost to the top of the National Trust's Bossington Hill. Here the views across Porlock Bay and over this part of Somerset and Devon are superb. Keep an eye open for kestrel hovering in the updrafts and many different species of butterfly.

All too soon, we descend through woodland back to Bossington (a good opportunity for a cream tea in the beautiful garden at Kitnor's Tea Room), then pick up the South West Coast Path once more. It takes us across the marsh (a Site of Special Scientific Interest) and along the pebbly beach (thankfully for only a short distance) to Porlock Weir. Refreshment here is in the form of the Ship Inn and there is a small number of shops to look round.

The return to Porlock is through the woodland at the bottom of Porlock Hill.

Dog-walkers: there are no stiles on this walk, though there may be sheep in places and dogs must be kept on a lead over Porlock Marsh. The tea room in Bossington welcomes dogs (on a lead) in the tea garden. Also, the 250m or so along the pebbly beach may not be to the liking of smaller dogs.

England - South West England - Somerset - Exmoor


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Church, Flowers, Food Shop, Gift Shop, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Moor, National Trust, Pub, Public Transport, Sea, Tea Shop, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland
4/28/2012 - Jane Bouttell

This was a really good walk but we felt we should point out that the Tea Room mentioned in Bossington only takes cash which was very disappointing for us when we arrived there looking forward to our cream tea. -- At waymark 17 the signpost actually says 'Footpath to Lynch Coombe' not Bossington. The gentle descent around the edge of the hill has a very sharp drop off on the right hand side which can be very unnerving to people who suffer from height issues as I do! -- We would recommend the Ship Inn.

7/2/2011 - Barbara Howcroft

We did this walk while we were on holiday in Somerset (29.06.11). What a beautiful walk, the weather was just gorgeous. Just to let you know the car park at Porlock is now £4.70

1/5/2010 - Nigel Stone

I can add to N. Lattey's comments. The car park charge at Bossington is £2 for a whole day and free to National Trust members displaying a sticker. From point 23 to point 24 is 600 metres, not 200m as stated in the description. Also, the sign and gate at point 27 are no longer there so walk on through! It is an excellent walk and the route from point 23 is easy to follow (just keep to the well-signed coast path) so don't let these minor changes put you off.

4/22/2009 - Nicholas Lattey

Lovely walk. Bossington car park is no longer free (£2). There is a field path on right at 200m between 23 and 24 but this is (?now) wrong and you must follow coast path signs for quite a long way until 24 is reached.

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