Portals Vells - Cala Figuera - Cala Refeubetx

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It is quite surprising that, within a few kilometres of the lively resort of Magaluf, there is a stretch of coastline that is both picturesque and almost completely deserted. In this walk, we follow the clifftop for around six kilometres. It provides some excellent vantage points for observing the shipping, the ferries, cargo ships and cruise liners that sail in and out of Palma Harbour, as well as the many pleasure craft that visit this coast.

Much of the route is accessible only on foot, so if the peacefulness of the ramble is disturbed it will be by the sound of seabirds, or of the waves striking the coves and inlets below.

There are several sites of interest on the route, including caverns from which marble was quarried during the building of Palma Cathedral and some natural caves thought to have been inhabited some 2,000 years ago. We also pass an abandoned military base, a lighthouse and a 16th Century watchtower.

Spain - Balearic Islands - Mallorca - Coast


Ancient Monument, Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Flowers, Great Views, Restaurant, Sea, Toilets, Wildlife, Woodland