Publow - Compton Dando - Lord's Wood - Publow

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Publow - Compton Dando - Compton Common - Lord's Wood - Publow

Starting from the imposing church at Publow, this peaceful walk follows the pretty River Chew through lush fields and meadows before returning via a pub, farmland and leafy woodland.

The paths are generally all well-waymarked and most of the stiles are well-maintained and easy for both humans and dogs. Like most British countryside walks, there are patches of slippy mud to negotiate after and during rain.

Huge thanks to Roy Davenport for his very helpful updates, January 2015.

England - South West England - Somerset - Countryside


Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Pub, River, Woodland
9/29/2023 - Harry Cook

Re-visiting this walk was a pleasure. An update is that I last walked it in June 22 when the ground was very dry. In September 23 it was unsurprisingly muddier. This was particularly evident in the wooded section between Mill Farm and Compton Common. The same section is enhanced by a good boardwalk to span some streams, however both the boardwalk and the path can be very slippy so be wary. Finally the whole area is criss-crossed with paths, which is a good thing, but take care not to get seduced down the wrong one! Although not a steep walk there are times when one rises to the top a a hillock and be rewarded with good views of the surrounding countryside. Walk length for us was measured at 4.7m.

6/27/2022 - Harry Cook

Walked this route 26 Jun 22, a really good, varied walk with many stiles being replaced by gates which made for very easy transit from field to field. My two cautions would be: 1. There are only three parking spots at the Church at the start and all the surrounding lanes are very narrow so parking may be an issue. 2. Unsurprisingly in June, there was a lot of growth around the paths so some were easily missed unless one was following the map very carefully. Thank you GPS and Ordnance Survey (Memory Map). Notwithstanding my points above it is a most enjoyable, relatively short walk through countryside with great appeal.

9/2/2015 - Rosalind Wilson

Stars for the interest and variety. I had some difficulties with the instructions but I like a challenge!The worst of the mud in 7 is covered by boardwalks which was so useful after a wet bank holiday!

3/31/2014 - Roy Davenport

A nice walk. Mention is made of stiles most of these have been replaced with new gates. No problems were encountered.

4/20/2009 - Stephen Harvey

Waypoint 13- The gap in the hedge has now been fenced of by the farmer. A kissing gate is visible in the garden fence and the owner has constructed a marked walkway round the boundary of his lawn to the kissing gate at the other end of the garden.

4/24/2007 - John-Paul Coetzee

Waypoint 4: About 20 metres after waypoint 4 you veer slightly left and cross a footbridge over a small stream to reach the path going uphill to the road and waypoint 5.

Waypoint 20: As you come out of the wood after waypoint 20, turn right into the adjacent field and follow the footpath direction arrow to reach the footbridge at waypoint 21. The footpath route has changed very slightly from that shown on the OS map, to the other side of the hedge. The stile and gate on the original route (at the top of the field) have been blocked with barbed wire. The newer, marked, route is easier.

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