Rio Bailon to Nava de Cabra and Back

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From the A339 (A340) outside Carcabuey you drive up the asphalted road towards the Ermita Virgen de la Sierra hermitage, worth a visit after the walk, to a parking area overlooking the Sierras Subbeticas. The walk continues down a track and out into an open valley which features poljés, large, pond-like areas filled from springs below during the winter period, then out into farmland to the riverbed of the Río Baílon, up to a beautiful waterfall, dried up from May to October.

Spain - Southern Spain - Cordoba - Countryside

3/22/2016 - Jim Arymar

This is, quite simply, a stunning ramble though the most impressive mountain countryside. An absolute MUST for anyone thinking of walking in the region. The way is signed with infrequent wooden posts with arrows. The waterfall was running well in March 2016 and it would have been hard to find a more perfect picnic spot. If you have time, do not miss the short drive up to the Hermita. It is a magical place, beautifully maintained and there are picnic tables and stunning panoramas from the mirador. The church itself is lovely and lavishly decorated. From the waterfall some of us made a circular return. This was even more delightful (if that were possible). We began by taking an easy path to the left of the waterfall which brought us, through woods, to the stream above the waterfall. We then followed the course of the stream along grassy banks for about 600m passing round another waterfall. We emerged into open country at N37.50453 W4.34929 and went left (E) for about 350m to reach a fence with a gate. We headed south towards a distant visible cattle enclosure. We joined a track to pass to the left of it then went left along a track through gates to head downwards SE to reach an isolated farm at N37.48543W4.34250. We passed through the farm yard with the house to our right and continued WNW for 1 K to reach another large farm. There are many herds of cattle roaming freely. We simply continued along the only wide track for another kilometre before bearing sharp right and continuing to follow the track northwards soon bearing left to rejoin our outward route at N37.490801 W4.369925. The total distance for this circular route was 13.5K. Moderate category and with a total height gain of about 150m.

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