River Leam - Newbold Comyn Park - Offchurch - Grand Union Canal

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This circular five-and-half-mile walk starts at a car park on the outskirts of Leamington Spa. The route heads north through the Newbold Comyn Park, skirting the Walches Meadow Nature Reserve, through the surrounding fields of Redhouse Farm and along a very pretty river before heading to Offchurch, where there is a pub for refreshments if you time your walk correctly. From here the walk joins the disused railway of Cycle Route 41 before heading back to the walk start via the Grand Union Canal. Again, there is a pub on this stretch for refreshments.

England - Central England - Warwickshire - Countryside


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Mostly Flat, Nature Trail, Pub, River, Wildlife, Woodland
5/30/2022 - Anthony Carroll

Two of us walked most of this in May 2022. We came by train so joined the route around waymark 3. This involved traversing the very attractive Jephson Gardens, then the secluded riverside trail along the Leam. No problems on routefinding, with surprisingly wide vistas of parkland type country throughout. The 'ornate old bridge' mentioned at waymark 5 made for a scenic lunch spot and would also be a great play spot for young children. Interestingly the disused railway section (Cycle Route 41 or the Lias Line) was featured on BBC’s Countryfile on 29th May. Stronger walkers than us could have kept on the canal back to near the station after waymark 13 to make a full longer circular walk. But in any case we had done that canal section before, so we left the canal at Bridge 37 and got a bus back.

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