Ross-on-Wye - Wye Valley Walk - Chase Hill - Ross-on-Wye

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The walk starts in the town and there is ample opportunity to explore more of this market town at the start and finish of the walk. The woodland around Chase Hill is the home of the crossbill and it is easily seen with binoculars. Lovely views make this walk worth the effort.

England - Central England - Herefordshire - Wye Valley


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, River, Wildlife, Woodland
7/20/2015 - John Wilkin

A pleasant walk with lovely views but please note path mentioned at point 8 is impassable (July 2015). We therefore never found the way mark that you want a photo of! As mentioned in point 9 the path in the larch wood is virtually impossible to follow. We just went to the field edge and found a way out.

8/27/2011 - Ian Mapp

Thanks for the walk. I did it in reverse order, so followed the GPX, rather than the instructions. Tricky route finding on Chase Hill, due to the tree cover. Loved the town, hence the reason for saving the best till last. Photos and Story at

10/30/2010 - Christine Harbottle

Scenic circuit from Ross to wooded hills above and back. Directions clearer and ground easier on the way out than on return. The suggested car park for start is easy to find and free, but you could shorten the walk by about 1km and end closer to town centre cafes by starting near the church / tennis (point 3/11). Some landmarks in Ross have changed - when we visted in Oct 2010 Castle Hotel (point 2) was the Royal Hotel; church gates (point 3) had been removed for repair and the Prince of Wales (points 3 & 11) was being rebuilt. Directions very good until 7. Path after T junction of 7 narrows, so care needed to identify 8. Downhill in 9 is indeed steep - and the helpful wooden steps had 2 broken. We gave up on the second half of 9 & 10. What we thought was probably the gap into the field had a stile, but there was a lively horse in the field, so we kept going north in the larch wood until we met the lane to Hill Farm, then turned left down to B road.

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