Saleres to Restabal, Lecrin Valley and Cueva de los Moros

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Saleres to Restábal, Lecrín Valley, Granada, Oranges and Lemons and Cueva de los Moros

This route climbs through orange and lemon groves south of the Rio Santo, towards the Sierra de las Guájaras. It follows the contour lines, with tremendous views north over most of the villages of the Lecrín Valley, before dropping to Restabal and returning along part of the E4 GR7.

The citrus crops are made possible by the Lecrin Valley's microclimate and the irrigation systems in place since Moorish times; you will see old and new on the route.

The pretty village of Restábal at two-thirds distance gives choice of a bar or restaurant break. The route can be started at Restábal (losing the chance of a cafe stop) Waymark 14, in which case you can turn left at Waymark 2 and cut out Saleres.

Spain - Southern Spain - Granada - West Granada


Birds, Butterflies, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Hills or Fells, Pub, Public Transport, Restaurant
8/23/2008 - Peter Gordon

I was surprised about the comment "At WP7 in Restabal the cafe mentioned did not look as though it had opened for months". But now I am back in Spain so can confirm that it is open - perhaps the answer is that it has always looked fairly closed when it is open. It is a real and friendly working man's bar with the only females present usually being my wife and the bank manager. [This time using her Blackberry.] It is also a regular stop for the armed Guardia Civil to take their Anis and cafe solo. There is a new place a couple of doors west that probably does better coctails but we prefer tostada and cafe carajillo.

5/29/2008 - Paul Finch

We completed this walk with our friends, Lynne & Chris. Very enjoyable with tremendous views across to the Sierra Nevada which in the middle of May had just had another dusting of snow. At WP7 in Restabal the cafe mentioned did not look as though it had opened for months. We had good fun in the bar close by, ordering food and drinks - suspect that the barman is deaf! There is another bar a couple of streets back, close to the old fish market and by a supermarket. After your walk, when you drive back out of the Lecrin valley, be sure to drive through Melegis and see the new mirrador with its concrete chaiselongue, sofa and armchairs! A definate photo point.

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