San Bartolome de Tirajana - Santa Lucia

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This walk follows a former pilgrimage route linking San Bartolome and Santa Lucia. The pilgrims would have walked up the hill but the route described here is largely downhill.

Initially, the walk explores the small town of San Bartolome before beginning the steep descent to the fertile area known as Tunte. The steep stretch is quite short and is along a concrete track, so it doesn't require great agility. The area is intensively farmed but the tracks are clearly separate from the fields so there's no need to worry about inadvertent trespass. We found the local people very helpful in finding the way - one even gave us an orange from his orchard. A roadside shrine in La Montana reinforces the pilgrimage feel, as do the occasional benches for tired pilgims (or walkers) to rest. Around the mid-way point is the small village of Rosiana, where there are bars, shops and other facilities. From Rosiana onwards the route continues through rich farmland, with good views to the hills around. You should be able to spot the caves where the Guanches (pre-Spanish islanders) lived. The route ends at a bus stop a little outside the centre of Santa Lucia. If time permits, it is well worth exploring this attractive small town.

Unlike many walking routes in Gran Canaria, this walk does not require great stamina or immunity from vertigo.

Spain - Canary Islands - Gran Canaria - Mountains


Ancient Monument, Church, Flowers, Great Views, Public Transport, Restaurant, Toilets