Ses Salines - Punta des Portes Circular

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The walk begins near Sa Canal, six kilometres south of Ibiza's capital Eivessa. We start through pleasantly wooded countryside, climbing gently to reach a vantage point giving magnificent views over the Ses Salines salt pans and the coastline. We drop down to join a track which takes us along the salt pans, dating back to Phoenician times, with a chance to see the wonderful wading birdlife that abounds here, usually including flamingos. Later, passing the old La Revista salt workers' church and the remains of the old metal pumping wheel, we reach Cavallet Beach. Our route takes us inland of the beach through the wooded dunes of this nature reserve to rejoin the coastline at the southern end of the beach. It is possible to walk along this beautiful soft-sanded beach to reach the same point but please be aware that, during the season (May to end-October), it is an official nudist beach and favoured by the gay community. The choice is yours!

We follow the rocky foreshore to the old lookout tower Torre de Ses Portes, with wonderful views across the rocky Freus channels to the islands of Espalmador and Formentera. From the tower we make our way north-east along the rocky coast of Playa Mitjorn and Ses Salines, enjoying the truly lovely scenery back to our start point. From here and not part of this walk, we can stroll SW along the road for 400 metres to visit Sa Canal, a pretty old hamlet originally part of the salt-mining community and see the jetty from which salt is still exported today. Ample cafes are around to refresh yourselves and there is wonderful swimming in season.

Spain - Balearic Islands - Ibiza - Coast


Birds, Butterflies, Cafe, Great Views, Mostly Flat, Public Transport, Restaurant, Sea
2/11/2021 - Jim Arymar

Walk checked in January 2021. No changes. Jim Arymar.

12/31/2017 - Jim Arymar

My thanks to Berno and Gerrard, walkingworld members, for kindly checking this one in December 2017.The walk distance has been corrected and there are a couple of minor step description corrections. The walk remains a beauty.